Ron Amato - Trustee

Ron Amato is a lifelong resident of the western suburbs who was raised in Lisle and has resided in Naperville for more than 20 years. Ron enjoys giving back to the community and living in Lisle Township, where he has spent most of his life.

Ron is trained as an attorney and currently works for a large insurance carrier following a career in private practice handling investment-related disputes and regulatory matters. He has represented individuals and businesses in a wide variety of matters, and currently manages litigation and arbitrations involving financial services firms and their representatives. 

Over the years, Ron has held leadership roles on the boards of several Naperville area not-for-profits, and served for seven years as a Trustee of the Naperville Firefighters Pension Fund. Ron is a past president of the Exchange Club of Naperville and a longtime board member of KidsMatter. As a community volunteer, Ron has assisted with the Exchange Club’s charity fundraiser, Ribfest, and with the Naperville Jaycees’ Last Fling festival. He served for several years on the Ribfest Allocations Committee, where he awarded grants to approximately 50 not-for-profits.

Ron believes in good government and in the importance of working hard to provide government services in an efficient manner while developing an understanding of the community’s needs. Ron has experience with managing budgets and working with others to reach a consensus and make key decisions. He has been directly involved in organizations that address youth mental health, food insecurity and public safety.

Ron has been married to his wife, Amy, for 24 years, and has two children who attend Naperville District 203 schools. He is a graduate of Lisle Senior High School, Northern Illinois University, and the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Ron was admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1999.

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