Ed Young - Highway Commissioner
As Lisle Township Highway Commissioner, Ed has reduced the last two tax levies to their lowest levels in a decade. Ed has been Highway Commissioner for the past 10 years and under his leadership the Road District has expanded the leaf pickup program into December each year and maintained the Road District’s quick response to winter storms. Commissioner Young brings strong fiscal conservatism to the operations of the Road District and believes that it must maintain Township roads at a cost significantly below that of neighboring municipalities.
Ed works collaboratively with the Supervisor and Assessor by providing land for the Township garden, storage space for the food pantry and assistance to the Assessor with storage and signage. He also works closely with the other Highway Commissioners and neighboring municipalities in the area, sharing staff and equipment in emergencies or when one Road District has a unique job that needs additional equipment. Ed also is conscious of the Road District’s impact on the environment. Under his leadership the Road District was awarded the “Low Road Salt Usage Award” by the Conservation Foundation.
Ed has been involved in Lisle Government since in 1999. He was elected to the Village of Lisle Board and served as a Village Trustee for 14 years and served on Lisle’s Police Pension Board. Prior to becoming Highway Commissioner, Ed was a Township Trustee. Ed and his wife of 51 years have resided in Lisle Township for over 42 years. They have two grown children and six grandchildren. Highway Commissioner Young has an MBA from Ohio University and is a CPA. Ed looks forward to continuing to lead the District in providing superior service while reducing taxes